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Team France

Martine Legris Revel

Martine Legris Revel

Université de Lille

Research Ingenieer, Lille University, UMR 8076 CERAPS, Faculté des sciences Juridiques Politiques et Sociales (FSJPS)
Board member of the RC 10 (Participation and organizational democracy)of the International Association of Sociology (ISA)
Co Director of the Science shop of Lille University
Member of DEFIDEM Project and of the NRJ on trial Project (renewable energy in France : citizens’ initiative and attacks before court)

Carine David

Carine David

Aix-Marseille Université




Aix-Marseille Université

Nataşa DANELCIUC-COLODROVSCHI is an Associated Professor at the Faculty of Law and
Political Science of Aix-Marseille University and the Vice-director of the Institute Louis
From 2019, she il also an invited Professor at Balti State University “A. Russo” from the Republic of Moldova.

Maxime de la Bruyère

Maxime de la Bruyère

Aix-Marseille Université

PhD student in comparative public law

Aix-Marseille University, UMR 7318 DICE, Institut Louis Favoreu (ILF)

Mathias Revon

Mathias Revon

Université de Limoges

Lecturer, OMIJ, Limoges University
Coordinator of the project's citizen participation working group

Miguel Fernández Andújar

Miguel Fernández Andújar

Aix-Marseille Université

PhD student at the Autonomous University of Madrid in co-tutelle with the University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour (UMR 7318 DICE, IE2IA).
A.T.E.R at the University of Aix-Marseille (2023-2024), Louis Favoreu Institute (ILF).

Jean-François Kerléo

Jean-François Kerléo

Aix-Marseille Université

Professor of public law at Aix-Marseille University
Junior member of the University Institute of France
Founding member and vice-president of the Observatory of Public Ethics (OEP)
Ethics representative for civil servants and public agents as well as elected officials of
several local authorities

 Rémi Lefebvre

Rémi Lefebvre

Université de Lille


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