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Carine David

Aix-Marseille Université

Carine David is a professor of public law at Aix-Marseille University, within the UMR DICE and the

Institut Louis Favoreu (ILF - GERJC).

As constitutionalist, her research focuses on overseas territories law and the political systems of small

island states and territories, environmental law and the right to happiness.

She is particularly interested in normative and institutional issues in the French overseas territories,

but also in comparative law and, more generally, within the political systems of small island states and territories. In this context, she is particularly interested in the ways in which citizens participate in

drawing up statutes and constitutions in divided societies.

Her research in environmental law covers both overseas environmental law and comparative

constitutional environmental law (right to a healthy environment, right to sustainable development).

Lastly, she is the editorial director of the Happiness Law Review.


Carine David
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