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Daniele Petrosino

Université Aldo Moro de Bari

Daniele Petrosino (Bari, 1958) is an associate professor in Political Sociology at the Department

of Political Science of the Aldo Moro University of Bari. His research concerns the problems of

ethnonationalism, ethnic relations, and migration, with specific attention to the problems of

identity, recognition, and inequalities. He is also engaged in research related to social exclusion

and social service activities. The research activity has developed around the problem of ethnic

and territorial divisions and their representation in the political space.

His research has also encompassed various aspects of Italian society, with a particular

emphasis on the issues of southern society. In recent years, his research has focused on the

problem of inequalities, examining school choices and the effects of the crisis on southern

society. Additionally, he has explored the challenges posed by secessionist claims.

At present, he is engaged in research on affordable and unusual housing.


 Daniele Petrosino
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