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Team Italy

 Daniele Petrosino

Daniele Petrosino

Université Aldo Moro de Bari

professor University Aldo Moro of Bari

 Enrichetta Gentile

Enrichetta Gentile

Université de Bari

Assistant Professor in the Computer Science, at the Department of Computer Science of the
University of Bari Aldo Moro.
Member of the Board of Directors of Con.Science, the National Conference of Presidents and Directors of University of Science and Technology – with represent of the Computer Science

 Nicola Maffei

Nicola Maffei

Université de Bari

PhD student in Comparative Public Law at University of Bari (Italy), Department of Law

 Marina Calamo Specchia

Marina Calamo Specchia

Université de Bari

Full professor of Comparative Public Law and Comparative Constitutional Justice at the
University of Bari Aldo Moro.
Visiting professor at the Sorbonne Universities of Paris and Montpellier and Erasmus Teaching Staff in Toulon.
Professor of European Political Systems at the University of Tirana “Nostra Signora del Buon

Laura Fabiano

Laura Fabiano

Université de Bari

Associate Professor of Comparative Public Law at the Law Department of the University of
Bari (Italy)
Member of the Italian Association of Comparative and European Public Law (DPCE).
Member of the Italian Association of Comparative Law (AIDC)
Member of the DEFIDEM Project

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