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Biljana Kostadinov

Université de Zagreb

Biljana Kostadinov’s main area of research is comparative constitutional law, especially the organization of government in developed democracies, direct democracy, and constitutional adjudication in Member States of the European Union and the USA.

She has published a number of papers in Croatian and foreign scientific books and journals. She is the author of the book Suvremeni francuski parlamentarizam (1958-2002) and the editor of numerous international collections of papers, research projects and books, including the books Poredbeno ustavno pravo: Dioba vlasti and Poredbeno ustavno pravo: Ustavno sudovanje. She is an alumna of Scholarships of the French Government (Bourse du gouvernement français, Institut Charles de Gaulle et Université Panthéon–Sorbonne Paris I, Centre de recherches de droit constitutionnel, Paris, 1992-93, 1998) and Fulbright Scholarships.


Biljana Kostadinov
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