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Seána Glennon

Université d'Ottawa

Dr Seána Glennon is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Law and researches the potential of deliberative mini-publics to enhance the democratic legitimacy of constitutional change processes. She is a graduate of Trinity College, Dublin (LL.B); the University of Toronto, Canada (LL.M) and University College Dublin (PhD), where she acted as Chief Outreach Officer at the University’s Centre for Constitutional Studies and was recipient of the 2019 Sutherland School of Law Doctoral Scholarship. Dr Glennon is a member of the Unwritten Constitutional Norms and Principles project, which examines the phenomenon of unwritten constitutionalism from a comparative and inter-disciplinary perspective, focussing on Canada, the United Kingdom and Germany.


Seána Glennon
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